
Terms of Service

Each order you place is a legally enforceable contract. If you fail to pickup your order, you are still obligated to pay for the items you order.

Orders will be charged the morning of pick up or delivery once we ensure all items have been received and packed correctly.

We will inspect and pack all orders prior to distribution. In the event that product gets damaged during packing, we will provide a store credit to the customer, provided that the damaged goods are returned.

Sometimes things change last minute as farming can be unpredictable. Your order may be edited and items may be removed if items are not delivered correctly or do not meet our quality standards. 

Our goal is to provide the highest quality produce, and we require our producer to deliver market-grade products. Any items labeled as second or canning quality may have a higher rate of imperfections. The customer understands that since our farmers do not use pesticides or herbicides, fruits and vegetables may not look "perfect".

Glass bottle return policy. Milk bottles purchased through our site are subject to fee as specified during the product purchase. Please return these completely clean to receive your deposit back - if they are not clean Rosebird Farms is still assessed the fee!